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Ben Mears and Prad Nair are two truly integrated creatives with a joint love of big ideas, beautifully crafted.

Ben has almost 20 years of experience in the industry at agencies including AMV, M&C Saatchi and FCB Inferno. Most recently Ben was a Creative Director at VCCP, where he ran a 30-strong retail creative department for a couple of years with his then partner. He helped turn Canon into a storytelling brand, created a world-first for O2, won an energy drink pitch, got his hands dirty (literally) in the world of Shell lubricants and championed the virtues of sitting together for Harveys. 

Prad has worked at some of the UK’s leading agencies, including BBH, Saatchi & Saatchi, FCB Inferno, and Lida. Craving new ways of working and a fresh perspective on the industry, Prad has also freelanced at agencies including Ogilvy One, Leo Burnett, Grey Possible and Rapp. Whilst at Lida, he was part of the team that retained Direct Agency of the Year for the second time, and created pitch-winning work for Royal Mail. At BBH Prad was responsible for the Barclays Business, Campo Viejo and Lego pitch wins. He worked across the full range of BBH clients including Audi, Tesco, Virgin Media, Barclays and BA.

Together we bring insightful, clear thinking to the table, with ideas that genuinely work through-the-line and change behaviour. 

If you like what you see, we'd love to hear from you.

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